I've had a Cesarean, a Hysterectomy/other abdominal surgery

If you've had any kind of abdominal or pelvic surgery, including a C section or Hysterectomy, this will have caused trauma resulting in a loss of sensitivity in the area, that needs careful and progressive healing approach.    The core phases in your program are gentle, restorative and may aid healing initially, enabling you to progress to strengthening with improved function and tone.

Everyone will be different and the type of surgery, methods used, recovery and symptoms before and after will vary, so first and foremost, it's really important that you follow the instructions of your surgeon and medical caregivers regarding when and how to exercise afterwards.  

It's likely that they will recommend that you avoid all intensive exercises in the early period following your surgery. Should this be the case and you have their blessing to start MUTU, you should follow only the core workouts, starting with Core 1, so that you can gently rebuild the foundations.